The 2020 Holiday Card Collection

Just to be clear: I am firmly in the no-Christmas-tree-until-Thanksgiving camp, but when it comes to Christmas cards, earlier is ALWAYS better. And since Halloween is now behind us (and the longest Election in history!) I’m so excited to share my new 2020 Holiday Card Collection with you, now available on Etsy!
If you’re new to my Etsy shop, I offer both printed and digital designs, as well as addressing services to make your life a little bit easier during the busiest time of the year. And, this year, I’m offering a special bundle to save you time AND money. Printed Cards, Return and Recipient Address Printing, all at 10% off. Your cards show up, and all you need to do is stuff and send them! Pick your card, and then check out with the Holiday Card Bundle!
A big thank you to Lindsay Connors and Sami Renee Photography for all of the gorgeous photos they let me use in these designs! These two are talented beyond belief, and I’m so thankful for their help in making this collection a reality!
I spent a lot of time making sure that every design was perfect, and that there was something for everyone. I’m so excited with how this collection turned out: I hope you love it as much as I do! Happy shopping!